NH - 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary: Hillary Clinton 47% - Bernie Sanders 8% - Elizabeth Warren 22% - (Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce Univ. 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +39

NV - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 49% - Scott Walker 41% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Scott Walker
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +8

NV - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 48% - Chris Christie 38% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +10

NV - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Rand Paul 42% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +8

NV - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 48% - Jeb Bush 38% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +10

NV - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Scott Walker 18% - Ted Cruz 18% - Jeb Bush 16% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Ted Cruz
Scott Walker
  • Cruz 0

NV - 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary: Hillary Clinton 61% - Elizabeth Warren 15% - Joe Biden 3% - (Gravis Marketing 03/31/2015) chart & more info

Elizabeth Warren
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +46

NH - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Scott Walker 15% - Jeb Bush 15% - Rand Paul 13% - (Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce Univ. 03/30/2015) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Scott Walker
  • Bush 0

US - Generic Congressional Race: Republicans 39% - Democrats 38% - (Rasmussen 03/30/2015) chart & more info

  • Republican +1

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 29% -Wrong Track 63% -(Rasmussen 03/27/2015)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -34

PA - 2016 Senate: Pat Toomey 34% - Joe Sestak 29% - (Franklin & Marshall 03/26/2015) chart & more info

Joe Sestak
Pat Toomey
  • Toomey +5

FL - 2016 Senate: Marco Rubio 48% - Patrick Murphy 41% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Patrick Murphy
Marco Rubio
  • Rubio +7

FL - 2016 Senate: Marco Rubio 49% - Alan Grayson 40% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Alan Grayson
Marco Rubio
  • Rubio +9

FL - 2016 Senate: Jeff Atwater 41% - Patrick Murphy 39% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Patrick Murphy
Jeff Atwater
  • Atwater +2

FL - 2016 Senate: Jeff Atwater 41% - Alan Grayson 40% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Alan Grayson
Jeff Atwater
  • Atwater +1

FL - 2016 Senate: Patrick Murphy 45% - Pam Bondi 41% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Pam Bondi
Patrick Murphy
  • Murphy +4

FL - 2016 Senate: Pam Bondi 45% - Alan Grayson 42% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Alan Grayson
Pam Bondi
  • Bondi +3

FL - 2016 Senate: Patrick Murphy 41% - Allen West 39% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Allen West
Patrick Murphy
  • Murphy +2

FL - 2016 Senate: Alan Grayson 42% - Allen West 39% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Allen West
Alan Grayson
  • Grayson +3

FL - 2016 Senate: Patrick Murphy 41% - Carlos Lopez-Cantera 34% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Patrick Murphy
  • Murphy +7

FL - 2016 Senate: Alan Grayson 40% - Carlos Lopez-Cantera 36% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Alan Grayson
  • Grayson +4

FL - 2016 Senate: Allen West 38% - Pam Bondi 25% - Jeff Atwater 12% - (PPP 03/25/2015) chart & more info

Pam Bondi
Allen West
  • West +13

NH - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Scott Walker 19% - Jeb Bush 18% - Mike Huckabee 4% - (Gravis Marketing 03/24/2015) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Scott Walker
  • Walker +1

NH - 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary: Hillary Clinton 49% - Bernie Sanders 12% - Elizabeth Warren 20% - (Gravis Marketing 03/24/2015) chart & more info

Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +37

FL - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Jeb Bush 25% - Scott Walker 17% - Mike Huckabee 7% - (PPP 03/24/2015) chart & more info

Scott Walker
Jeb Bush
  • Bush +8