MN - 2014 Governor: Mark Dayton 45% - Rob Farnsworth 28% - (Suffolk Univ. 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Rob Farnsworth
Mark Dayton
  • Dayton +17

MN - 2014 Governor: Mark Dayton 43% - Kurt Zellers 31% - (Suffolk Univ. 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Kurt Zellers
Mark Dayton
  • Dayton +12

MN - 2014 Governor: Marty Seifert 10% - Kurt Zellers 8% - Jeff Johnson 7% - (Suffolk Univ. 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Kurt Zellers
Marty Seifert
  • Seifert +2

US - Generic Congressional Race: Republicans 47% - Democrats 42% - (Democracy Corps 04/29/2014) chart & more info

  • Republican +5

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 45% - Republicans 44% - (ABC News/Wash Post 04/29/2014) chart & more info

  • Democrat +1

GA - 2014 Governor: Nathan Deal 41% - Jason Carter 37% - (SurveyUSA 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Jason Carter
Nathan Deal
  • Deal +4

GA - 2014 Senate: David Perdue 26% - Jack Kingston 20% - Paul Broun 15% - (SurveyUSA 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Jack Kingston
David Perdue
  • Perdue +6

ME - 2014 Governor: Mike Michaud 40% - Paul LePage 40% - Eliot Cutler 14% - (Rasmussen 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Paul LePage
Mike Michaud
  • LePage 0

GA - 2014 Governor: Nathan Deal 64% - David Pennington 11% - John Barge 10% - (SurveyUSA 04/29/2014) chart & more info

David Pennington
Nathan Deal
  • Deal +53

NC - 2014 Senate: Thom Tillis 46% - Greg Brannon 20% - Mark Harris 11% - (PPP 04/29/2014) chart & more info

Greg Brannon
Thom Tillis
  • Tillis +26

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 30% -Wrong Track 66% -(ABC News/Wash Post 04/29/2014)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -36

US - Generic Congressional Race: Republicans 40% - Democrats 38% - (Rasmussen 04/28/2014) chart & more info

  • Republican +2

ME - 2014 Senate: Susan Collins 60% - Shenna Bellows 24% - (Rasmussen 04/28/2014) chart & more info

Shenna Bellows
Susan Collins
  • Collins +36

KY - 2014 Senate: Mitch McConnell 43% - Alison Lundergan Grimes 36% - Ed Marksberry 9% - (Human Events/Gravis Marketing 04/25/2014) chart & more info

Alison Lundergan Grimes
Mitch McConnell
  • McConnell +7

KY - 2014 Senate: Alison Lundergan Grimes 37% - Matt Bevin 32% - Ed Marksberry 7% - (Human Events/Gravis Marketing 04/25/2014) chart & more info

Matt Bevin
Alison Lundergan Grimes
  • Lundergan Grimes +5

KY - 2014 Senate: Mitch McConnell 51% - Matt Bevin 34% - (Human Events/Gravis Marketing 04/25/2014) chart & more info

Matt Bevin
Mitch McConnell
  • McConnell +17

FL - 2014 Governor: Charlie Crist 42% - Rick Scott 42% - (Mason-Dixon 04/25/2014) chart & more info

Rick Scott
Charlie Crist
  • Scott 0

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 51% - Scott Walker 44% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Scott Walker
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +7

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Paul Ryan 45% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Paul Ryan
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +5

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 49% - Chris Christie 36% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +13

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Mike Huckabee 38% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Mike Huckabee
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +12

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Jeb Bush 39% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +11

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Rand Paul 39% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +11

WI - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Paul Ryan 25% - Scott Walker 21% - Rand Paul 8% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Scott Walker
Paul Ryan
  • Ryan +4

WI - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 57% - Russ Feingold 19% - Joe Biden 8% - (PPP 04/24/2014) chart & more info

Russ Feingold
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +38