MD - 2014 Governor: Anthony Brown 41% - Douglas Gansler 21% - Heather Mizeur 5% - (The Gonzalez poll 10/17/2013) chart & more info

Douglas Gansler
Anthony Brown
  • Brown +20

KY - 2014 Senate: Alison Lundergan Grimes 45% - Mitch McConnell 43% - (PPP 10/17/2013) chart & more info

Mitch McConnell
Alison Lundergan Grimes
  • Lundergan Grimes +2

NJ - 2013 Governor: Chris Christie 62% - Barbara Buono 33% - (Quinnipiac 10/17/2013) chart & more info

Barbara Buono
Chris Christie
  • Christie +29

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 43% - Terri Lynn Land 36% - (PPP 10/16/2013) chart & more info

Terri Lynn Land
Gary Peters
  • Peters +7

LA - 2014 Senate: Mary Landrieu 48% - Bill Cassidy 41% - (PPP 10/16/2013) chart & more info

Bill Cassidy
Mary Landrieu
  • Landrieu +7

SD - 2014 Senate: Mike Rounds 40% - Rick Weiland 34% - (PPP 10/16/2013) chart & more info

Rick Weiland
Mike Rounds
  • Rounds +6

AR - 2014 Senate: Mark Pryor 44% - Tom Cotton 41% - (PPP 10/16/2013) chart & more info

Tom Cotton
Mark Pryor
  • Pryor +3

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 49% - Republicans 43% - (Pew Research 10/15/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +6

VA - 2013 Governor: Terry McAuliffe 46% - Ken Cuccinelli 39% - (Christopher Newport Univ. 10/15/2013) chart & more info

Ken Cuccinelli
Terry McAuliffe
  • McAuliffe +7

NJ - Special Elections: Cory Booker 54% - Steve Lonegan 40% - (Quinnipiac 10/15/2013) chart & more info

Steve Lonegan
Cory Booker
  • Booker +14

NJ - 2013 Governor: Chris Christie 59% - Barbara Buono 35% - (Monmouth Univ. 10/15/2013) chart & more info

Barbara Buono
Chris Christie
  • Christie +24

NJ - Special Elections: Cory Booker 56% - Steve Lonegan 41% - (Rutgers-Eagleton 10/14/2013) chart & more info

Steve Lonegan
Cory Booker
  • Booker +15

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 45% - Republicans 38% - (Rasmussen 10/14/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +7

NJ - Special Elections: Cory Booker 52% - Steve Lonegan 42% - (Monmouth Univ. 10/14/2013) chart & more info

Steve Lonegan
Cory Booker
  • Booker +10

AR - 2014 Senate: Mark Pryor 42% - Tom Cotton 41% - (Talk Business/Hendrix 10/14/2013) chart & more info

Tom Cotton
Mark Pryor
  • Pryor +1

AR - 2014 Governor: Asa Hutchinson 41% - Mike Ross 37% - (Talk Business/Hendrix 10/14/2013) chart & more info

Mike Ross
Asa Hutchinson
  • Hutchinson +4

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 46% - Republicans 36% - (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 10/11/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +10

MA - 2014 Governor: Martha Coakley 54% - Charlie Baker 34% - (Western NE Univ. 10/11/2013) chart & more info

Charlie Baker
Martha Coakley
  • Coakley +20

NY - 2013 Mayor: Bill de Blasio 67% - Joseph Lhota 23% - (NBC NY/WSJ/Marist 10/11/2013) chart & more info

Joseph Lhota
Bill de Blasio
  • de Blasio +44

ME - 2014 Governor: Mike Michaud 33% - Paul LePage 30% - Eliot Cutler 24% - (Critical Insights 10/11/2013) chart & more info

Paul LePage
Mike Michaud
  • Michaud +3

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 47% - Republicans 39% - (NBC/WSJ 10/10/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +8

VA - 2013 Governor: Terry McAuliffe 47% - Ken Cuccinelli 39% - (Quinnipiac 10/10/2013) chart & more info

Ken Cuccinelli
Terry McAuliffe
  • McAuliffe +8

FL - 2014 Governor: Charlie Crist 44% - Rick Scott 40% - (UNF 10/10/2013) chart & more info

Rick Scott
Charlie Crist
  • Crist +4

NJ - 2013 Governor: Chris Christie 62% - Barbara Buono 33% - (Quinnipiac 10/10/2013) chart & more info

Barbara Buono
Chris Christie
  • Christie +29

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 14% -Wrong Track 78% -(NBC/WSJ 10/10/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -64