PA - 2014 Governor: Rob McCord 43% - Tom Corbett 35% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Tom Corbett
Rob McCord
  • McCord +8

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 53% - Rick Santorum 36% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rick Santorum
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +17

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 52% - Rand Paul 37% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +15

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Joe Biden 45% - Rand Paul 41% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Joe Biden
  • Biden +4

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Joe Biden 46% - Rick Santorum 39% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rick Santorum
Joe Biden
  • Biden +7

PA - 2014 Governor: Allyson Schwartz 18% - Katie McGinty 5% - Rob McCord 4% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Katie McGinty
Allyson Schwartz
  • Schwartz +13

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 35% -Wrong Track 59% -(CBS News/NY Times 06/06/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -24

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 45% - Republicans 42% - (NBC/WSJ 06/05/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +3

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 42% - Justin Amash 38% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Justin Amash
Gary Peters
  • Peters +4

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 44% - Saul Anuzis 24% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Saul Anuzis
Gary Peters
  • Peters +20

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 43% - Dave Camp 31% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Dave Camp
Gary Peters
  • Peters +12

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 44% - Roger Kahn 26% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Roger Kahn
Gary Peters
  • Peters +18

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 42% - Mike Rogers 32% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Mike Rogers
Gary Peters
  • Peters +10

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 40% - Republicans 40% - (Rasmussen 06/05/2013) chart & more info

  • Republican 0

MA - Special Elections: Ed Markey 52% - Gabriel Gomez 40% - (New England College 06/04/2013) chart & more info

Gabriel Gomez
Ed Markey
  • Markey +12

MI - 2014 Governor: Mark Schauer 42% - Rick Snyder 38% - (PPP 06/04/2013) chart & more info

Rick Snyder
Mark Schauer
  • Schauer +4

VA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 48% - Bob McDonnell 42% - (PPP 06/01/2013) chart & more info

Bob McDonnell
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +6

VA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 46% - Marco Rubio 42% - (PPP 06/01/2013) chart & more info

Marco Rubio
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +4

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 49% - Rand Paul 41% - (Quinnipiac 05/31/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +8

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 48% - Jeb Bush 40% - (Quinnipiac 05/31/2013) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +8

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Jeb Bush 48% - Joe Biden 38% - (Quinnipiac 05/31/2013) chart & more info

Joe Biden
Jeb Bush
  • Bush +10

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Rand Paul 43% - Joe Biden 39% - (Quinnipiac 05/31/2013) chart & more info

Joe Biden
Rand Paul
  • Paul +4

VA - 2014 Senate: Mark Warner 50% - Bob McDonnell 39% - (PPP 05/30/2013) chart & more info

Bob McDonnell
Mark Warner
  • Warner +11

VA - 2014 Senate: Mark Warner 54% - Bill Bolling 33% - (PPP 05/30/2013) chart & more info

Bill Bolling
Mark Warner
  • Warner +21

VA - 2014 Senate: Mark Warner 53% - Eric Cantor 34% - (PPP 05/30/2013) chart & more info

Eric Cantor
Mark Warner
  • Warner +19