2012 Presidential Race will be a nail biter

With the GOP primaries all but over and Mitt Romney to be the inevitable victor the race is now focusing in on the larger Presidential Election this November. Yesterday major news outlets have released their first presidential polling numbers between the two likely Presidential candidates with slightly mixed reviews. While one polling site shows Romney with a slight advantage over Obama, another shows the President with a much larger lead. So what is the average citizen to take from these seemingly conflicting results? What we should take from these polls is that the political landscape is changing, Romney no longer has to compete with other GOP contenders , and is already looking to reach out to the independent voters that he has been struggling to gain support from in recent polls. Without having to defend off attacks from his own party Mitt Romney can work to close in on the gap left by both women and independent voters that has developed during the primaries.

What the general election is really going to come down to is which candidate the people find more favorable, a recent poll shows Romney as having one of the lowest favorable ratings of any candidate in three decades. The second important matter is who the people think will be able to handle the economy the best in the upcoming years, here Romney holds an edge over Obama. The disputes in the recent general election polls do make one thing very clear, this is going to be a very long and very close Presidential Election.

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