Most Important Issues this Election have Voters Split

Political polls are showing an the race growing more contentious and closer as the election begins to prepare for the summer of negative ad campaigns and public donations. Perhaps, some of the reasoning behind the close presidential polling is because most American’s are split on how well the presidential candidates can handle the biggest three economic issues. Recent poll results show that the top three issues for the 2012 presidential election are over the issues of health care cost, deficit and unemployment. When the poll concerning these three issues were released the majority of people saw Obama as being the favorite on healthcare, Romney on the issue of the deficit and then a split over the two presidential candidates on unemployment.

While these three issues were placed on the counter as being important with both Democrats and Republicans there are a plethora of other major issues that rank in utmost importance for the 2012 general election. Many of these include social issues such as same-sex marriage, higher education, and economic growth. While public opinion polls are likely to shift throughout the long election season, especially as they grow weary of the negative TV and web campaign ads. Keeping up on the latest electoral map polls and observing how key swing states shift can be indicative of what is most important to voters on certain political issues. Shifting from blue to red or vice versa  may be indicative of who they perceive as being the most capable candidate for the job.

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