Could Romney’s VP Pick Boost Him in Swing States?

Media outlets have now begun to speculate about the very high end Utah getaway that is being planned by the Romney campaign, many of his guests are prominent members of the Republican party. Several guests are even likely candidates to become Romney’s running mate. These candidates include Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.  From this small listing many of the VP hopefuls share a commonality, they all in some form represent a crucial swing state in the 2012 presidential election.

One of these potential  candidates that has been closely examined by the media as a potential running mate is the young Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Mitt Romney’s favorability rate amongst Hispanic voters is woefully low, many think that selecting the likable Rubio could boost his image in the 2012 swing states where Latino voters could have a large stake in the outcome. Recent political finding however show that a Romney/Rubio ticket would do little to increase Romney’s poll numbers in Florida let alone nationally. In fact projection maps would change little regardless of which running mate Romney selects.

Maybe the biggest thing Romney can do to boost his recent poll results could lie in his Thursday address to NALEO, The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. Obama’s approval ratings amongst Hispanic voters while always high have recently gone through the roof after his immigration announcement concerning young illegal immigrants. The Romney campaign since the announcement has been highly criticized for avoiding any kind of statement regarding their position pertaining to the recent executive order. Romney’s best hope to bolster his 2012 election predictions probably doesn’t lie in his VP pick, although selecting a running mate from a swing state won’t harm his standings in the 2012 election polls.  Instead, a better tactic for Romney is to  lay every thing out on the counter during the NALEO event, this will by far be more beneficial than any Vice President he could select.

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