Role of Social Media in 2012 Election

We live in a world where social media reigns supreme and every sound bite and campaign promise can instantly receive millions of views and “go viral” in a matter of minutes. The Romney campaign came under attack earlier this year. A Romney aide made a comment comparing the GOP primary campaign strategy to an “etch-a-sketch” being wiped clean for each new state primary. Facebook and Twitter however, ensure that trying to remodel your campaign is all but impossible with social media. Each and every moment on the campaign trail will be reviewed, replayed, and reused for a multitude of attacks by both parties. Romney spent much of his primary run trying to convince the most conservative members of the GOP that he is a candidate that shares their ideals. That strategy however already appears to be hurting Romney’s poll numbers among both women and independent voters. This blank slate strategy that doesn’t exist in the world of social media is going to hurt Romney when he want to appear more moderate to sway independents in the general election. The Obama campaign has already released what they are calling “Romney’s Greatest Hits” highlighting some of the statements made during the primary tour. No doubt we will soon have videos of Obama’s 2008 campaign about hope and change being torn to shreds shortly. When every action and spoken word is captured and endlessly scrutinized it makes any politicians job incredibly difficult and changes the way that the  presidential election is conducted. Every statement can be twisted into an attack and then those attacks must be constantly defended, this campaign then might very well come down to which candidate can embrace and utilize the rise of social media most effectively.

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