Search for Romney’s Second

Mitt Romney has currently placed Beth Myers a veteran Romney aide in charge of the delicate and crucial task of finding the ideal running mate for Romney. The name dropping of potential VP contenders so early in the 2012 presidential race could provide a number of benefits for Romney’s poll numbers. Placing a variety of prominent names on the countertop could help stir up interest with voters who are less than enthusiastic about the current Republican nominee. One of the more prominent names that has been thrown into the arena is that of Marco Rubio the Florida senator that has recently endorsed Mitt Romney. Rubio is currently campaigning with Romney in Pennsylvania and despite earlier VP denials Rubio is now remaining mum on the topic. Its no secret that Romney is struggling in the recent polls amongst Hispanic voters and picking Rubio as a running mate may help him considerably with his less than impressive polling results amongst Latino voters.

No Republican candidate has ever won the Presidential election without winning Ohio, which may be why most Republican insiders are shifting their focus to Rob Portman as the man to place in the Vice President position. Portman an Ohio Senator is a respected conservative who also  has experience working in national campaigns, but maybe his best quality comes in the fact that he is not well known among Republican voters. While McCain in 2008 chose a high risk candidate to drum up support for his campaign and for Women’s votes, it ultimately back fired. Romney has proven he is not the gambler that McCain was, and most of his advisers are looking for a “boring” VP pick. Portman has already proved he can be a valuable addition to the Romney campaign as his endorsement help Romney secure the tough fought Ohio primary.

More rumors are sure to come about who Romney will eventually select to be his running mate in the upcoming 2012 general elections but more than likely no announcements will be made until the forthcoming days leading to the Republican convention. Until then we shall just have to speculate on who will be the most beneficial running mate to stir the Republican base for Romney.

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