Why the Primaries are Still Important

Tonight five states will hold their 2012 Republican primaries as well as several state redistricting battles for 2012 House Elections. While Mitt Romney has already all but secured the GOP nomination for president it is easy to forget there are two other candidates running, but maybe for not much longer. While Newt Gingrich has insisted that he is in the race til the Florida convention there are new publications to indicate that if Newt does poorly in Delaware a win all primary state he will most likely suspend his campaign for president. Aside from just seeing if one of the looked over contenders for the Republican nomination will succeed tonight’s primaries will let us see if Republicans are ready and willing to back their enviable candidate Romney. Recent political polls are showing a 90% backing from the base party and Tuesday’s primaries could reaffirm or negate these results.

Battle for Control of the House

While Tuesdays primaries will serve a rather minor role in the 2012 General Election they will be important if you are keeping close tabs on Pennsylvania’s 2012 House Elections. Do to redistricting of several Pennsylvania districts Democratic primaries will determine who  will face tough races against their GOP opponents. With the Republican dominance that happened during the 2010 elections there is several generic congressional polls to speculate on which party will control the house come 2012, and these primaries may paint a picture to how some of the swing states will play. Pennsylvania is a classic swing state and viewing the Tuesday primaries with a lens for the general election may help us see how Pennsylvania will shift during the November elections.

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