Will Walker Recall Affect the General Election?

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has managed to survive the hard fought recall election on Tuesday marking the first time an elected official has survived a recall. While the majority of polling results predicted Walker’s win the looming question that has every political pundit talking is whether or not this historic recall election will have any impact on the 2012 presidential election. If you begin to view the latest 2012 electoral prediction maps they show Wisconsin as being a strong hold for Obama in the upcoming election, which isn’t much as a surprise as the state has gone Democratic for  six elections running. Speculation is now beginning as to whether or not this win may shift Wisconsin into a 2012 swing state that is up for grabs by the Republicans.

While there is no doubt that Walker’s win in Wisconsin will energize the conservatives during the 2012 general election there is little evidence to suggest that this local election will have major impact on the national election. Election projections that were made after exit polls were conducted found Obama was still leading Romney by a double digits in Wisconsin. While there is no doubt that this recall election will have a major impact locally, there is little evidence that the recall election will cause any sort of drain on Obama’s lead in Wisconsin.

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