Final Debate Fact-Check - 10/23/2012

In the final presidential debate, candidates Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama set out to make their case on foreign policy, offering viewers incorrect statements and twisted claims such as:

  • Romney said the federal debt to “other people” is $16 trillion, which isn’t correct. The debt owed to the public is $11 trillion, and the figure he gave includes money the government owes to itself.
  • Obama said unemployment among military veterans is lower than for the general population. That’s true for veterans generally but not for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
  • Romney repeated his claim that the president undertook “an apology tour … criticizing America” after Obama became president. There was no "apology" in the president's speeches.
  • Obama wrongly accused Romney of not telling the truth when Romney said “you and I agreed” some U.S. troops should be left in Iraq. In fact, the president tried and failed to negotiate an agreement to keep 3,000 to 4,000 support troops there; Romney said he would have left 10,000 to 30,000.

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