Ryan's Speech and Factcheckers
Washington Post - 08/30/2012
Paul Ryan gave a moving speech last night during the Republican National Convention, while he was able to excite the crowd and invigorate them for tonight's closing ceremonies several aspects of his speech sent fact checkers reeling.
- The first misleading part of Ryan's speech was the use of the GM plant that closed in Ryan's hometown. This plant closed in 2008, before Obama was elected President of the United States.
- The second issue that many fact checkers had issue with was Ryan's Medicare claims. Ryan criticizes Obama for cuts to Medicare without mentioning that Ryan has proposed the same major cuts to Medicare. The difference however is that Obama funnels the cuts into healthcare initiatives to help people pay their medical bills. Ryan plans to take the 700 Billion for "deficit reduction" which will likely means tax cuts that would largely benefit the wealthy.
- A third major criticism lies with the downgrade of America's credit rating, Ryan tried to blame the debt, however the downgrade came from Republicans stalling of congress's efforts to raise the debt ceiling.
- There were other issues political analysts had with Ryan's speech, such as criticizing specific programs that Ryan voted for.
So while the speech was largely effective on Wednesday night this morning it brings a headache to the GOP as fact checkers from politifact, fact check.org, and the Washington Post pick apart the more "questionable" parts of his speech. Fox News columnist Sally Kohn wrote "To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech. On this measure, while it was Romney who ran the Olympics, Ryan earned the gold."