NJ - 2013 Governor: Chris Christie 59% - Barbara Buono 29% - (Quinnipiac 06/10/2013) chart & more info

Barbara Buono
Chris Christie
  • Christie +30

NJ - Special Elections: Cory Booker 55% - Rush Holt 8% - Frank Pallone 9% - (Rutgers-Eagleton 06/10/2013) chart & more info

Rush Holt
Cory Booker
  • Booker +47

NJ - Special Elections: Cory Booker 53% - Rush Holt 10% - Frank Pallone 9% - (Quinnipiac 06/10/2013) chart & more info

Rush Holt
Cory Booker
  • Booker +43

US - Favorable: Hillary Clinton: Favorable 58% -Unfavorable 39% -(Gallup 06/10/2013)  chart & more info

  • Spread +19

KY - 2014 Senate: Mitch McConnell 47% - Alison Lundergan Grimes 40% - (Wenzel Strategies 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Alison Lundergan Grimes
Mitch McConnell
  • McConnell +7

PA - 2014 Governor: Allyson Schwartz 45% - Tom Corbett 35% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Tom Corbett
Allyson Schwartz
  • Schwartz +10

PA - 2014 Governor: Rob McCord 43% - Tom Corbett 35% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Tom Corbett
Rob McCord
  • McCord +8

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 53% - Rick Santorum 36% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rick Santorum
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +17

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 52% - Rand Paul 37% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +15

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Joe Biden 45% - Rand Paul 41% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Joe Biden
  • Biden +4

PA - 2016 Presidential Election: Joe Biden 46% - Rick Santorum 39% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Rick Santorum
Joe Biden
  • Biden +7

PA - 2014 Governor: Allyson Schwartz 18% - Katie McGinty 5% - Rob McCord 4% - (Quinnipiac 06/07/2013) chart & more info

Katie McGinty
Allyson Schwartz
  • Schwartz +13

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 47% -Disapprove 43% -(CBS News/NY Times 06/06/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +4

US - Job Approval: Congress: Approve 13% -Disapprove 80% -(CBS News/NY Times 06/06/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -67

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 35% -Wrong Track 59% -(CBS News/NY Times 06/06/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -24

US - Health Care: Barack Obama: Favorable 37% -Unfavorable 49% -(NBC/WSJ 06/06/2013)  chart & more info

Health Care
  • Spread -12

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 48% -Disapprove 47% -(NBC/WSJ 06/05/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +1

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 49% -Disapprove 46% -(Bloomberg 06/05/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +3

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 45% - Republicans 42% - (NBC/WSJ 06/05/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +3

MI - 2014 Senate: Gary Peters 42% - Justin Amash 38% - (PPP 06/05/2013) chart & more info

Justin Amash
Gary Peters
  • Peters +4