MN - 2014 Senate: Al Franken 52% - Julianne Ortman 35% - (PPP 05/21/2013) chart & more info

Julianne Ortman
Al Franken
  • Franken +17

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 51% -Disapprove 44% -(ABC News/Wash Post 05/21/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +7

US - Job Approval: Hillary Clinton: Approve 62% -Disapprove 28% -(ABC News/Wash Post 05/21/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +34

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 39% -Wrong Track 57% -(ABC News/Wash Post 05/21/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -18

US - Generic Congressional Race: Republicans 40% - Democrats 39% - (Rasmussen 05/20/2013) chart & more info

  • Republican +1

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 53% -Disapprove 45% -(CNN/Opinion Research 05/19/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +8

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 50% -Disapprove 43% -(Reason-Rupe 05/17/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +7

US - Job Approval: Congress: Approve 16% -Disapprove 75% -(Reason-Rupe 05/17/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -59

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 34% -Wrong Track 57% -(Reason-Rupe 05/17/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -23

MA - Special Elections: Ed Markey 48% - Gabriel Gomez 41% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Gabriel Gomez
Ed Markey
  • Markey +7

VA - 2013 Governor: Terry McAuliffe 43% - Ken Cuccinelli 38% - (Quinnipiac 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Ken Cuccinelli
Terry McAuliffe
  • McAuliffe +5

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 47% - Chris Christie 44% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +3

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 51% - Marco Rubio 41% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Marco Rubio
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +10

US - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 51% - Rand Paul 41% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +10

US - 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary: Hillary Clinton 63% - Joe Biden 13% - Andrew Cuomo 4% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +50

US - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Marco Rubio 16% - Jeb Bush 15% - Chris Christie 15% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Marco Rubio
  • Rubio +1

US - Generic Congressional Race: Democrats 45% - Republicans 43% - (PPP 05/16/2013) chart & more info

  • Democrat +2

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 48% -Disapprove 49% -(PPP 05/16/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -1

VA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 50% - Paul Ryan 40% - (Quinnipiac 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Paul Ryan
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +10

VA - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 51% - Marco Rubio 38% - (Quinnipiac 05/16/2013) chart & more info

Marco Rubio
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +13