US - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Marco Rubio 18% - Jeb Bush 16% - Chris Christie 14% - (Fairleigh Dickinson 04/30/2013) chart & more info

Jeb Bush
Marco Rubio
  • Rubio +2

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 46% -Disapprove 42% -(Fairleigh Dickinson 04/30/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread +4

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 36% -Wrong Track 51% -(Fairleigh Dickinson 04/30/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -15

MT - 2014 Senate: Brian Schweitzer 47% - Marc Racicot 43% - (Harper Polling 04/30/2013) chart & more info

Marc Racicot
Brian Schweitzer
  • Schweitzer +4

MT - 2014 Senate: Brian Schweitzer 50% - Steve Daines 40% - (Harper Polling 04/30/2013) chart & more info

Steve Daines
Brian Schweitzer
  • Schweitzer +10

MT - 2014 Senate: Marc Racicot 42% - Steve Daines 26% - (Harper Polling 04/30/2013) chart & more info

Steve Daines
Marc Racicot
  • Racicot +16

US - Health Care: Barack Obama: Favorable 35% -Unfavorable 40% -(Kaiser Foundation 04/30/2013)  chart & more info

Health Care
  • Spread -5

US - Generic Congressional Race: Republicans 40% - Democrats 39% - (Rasmussen 04/29/2013) chart & more info

  • Republican +1

PA - 2014 Governor: Joe Sestak 48% - Tom Corbett 34% - (Quinnipiac 04/29/2013) chart & more info

Tom Corbett
Joe Sestak
  • Sestak +14

PA - 2014 Governor: Allyson Schwartz 47% - Tom Corbett 34% - (Quinnipiac 04/29/2013) chart & more info

Tom Corbett
Allyson Schwartz
  • Schwartz +13

PA - 2014 Governor: Joe Sestak 15% - Allyson Schwartz 15% - Tom Wolf 3% - (Quinnipiac 04/29/2013) chart & more info

Allyson Schwartz
Joe Sestak
  • Schwartz 0

NH - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 52% - Rand Paul 41% - (PPP 04/25/2013) chart & more info

Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +11

NH - 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton 52% - Marco Rubio 38% - (PPP 04/25/2013) chart & more info

Marco Rubio
Hillary Clinton
  • Clinton +14

NH - 2016 GOP Presidential Primary: Rand Paul 28% - Marco Rubio 25% - Chris Christie 14% - (PPP 04/25/2013) chart & more info

Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
  • Paul +3

US - Job Approval: Barack Obama: Approve 46% -Disapprove 49% -(Allstate/National Journal 04/25/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -3

US - Job Approval: Congress: Approve 17% -Disapprove 76% -(Allstate/National Journal 04/25/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -59

US - Job Approval: George Bush: Approve 47% -Disapprove 50% -(ABC News/Wash Post 04/25/2013)  chart & more info

Job Approval
  • Spread -3

US - Direction of Country: Barack Obama: Right Direction 29% -Wrong Track 60% -(Allstate/National Journal 04/25/2013)  chart & more info

Direction of Country
  • Spread -31

MI - 2014 Governor: Mark Schauer 39% - Rick Snyder 38% - (EPIC-MRA 04/24/2013) chart & more info

Rick Snyder
Mark Schauer
  • Schauer +1

MI - 2014 Governor: Rick Snyder 39% - Bart Stupak 38% - (EPIC-MRA 04/24/2013) chart & more info

Bart Stupak
Rick Snyder
  • Snyder +1